Warnings (and the "warn" button)

Jazzy is staff, too, so I'm not sure why he has it. A warning is given when a user posts something that violates the rules.
Oh, the irony.

Maybe my "[d]on't ever answer the phone..." was deemed an immediate threat against an Admin. If it is a threat, it's a contingent one, and it will protect Nick from getting too much iron by ear.
Jazzy is staff, too, so I'm not sure why he has it. A warning is given when a user posts something that violates the rules.

The "warn" button appears on some posts and not others. Its function is to allow a mod to give a warning for that post. I'm not sure why it is seemingly random, probably an algorithm. The master control panel says that no warnings have been issued yet. If a mod decides to give a warning, you will receive a private message that says, for example,

Your message ({title}) contains inappropriate content:

Please do not discuss content of this nature on our site. This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.

Your account's access may be limited based on these actions. Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site.
The software also allows for visual warnings:

Govern yourselves accordingly. :p