All Things Beatles


Nunquam non paratus
I told you about Strawberry Fields; you know the place where nothing is real.

In a prior iteration we had an All Things Beatles thread. Maybe, that's an a priori, because I have no proof of this, any longer. It stands to reason, when not studying pataphysical, that we should have one here, also.

To start this reiteration, I want to pass along a discussion that I had with Quinn, my middle son, and the one who stays with me. He told me that he had three main sources for any Beatles' knowledge he held. One was the movie Yellow Submarine. Second was the movie Across the Universe.

Third was an episode of Powerpuff Girls 'Meet the Beat Alls'. I almost immediately recalled the episode, but I had lost almost all of the references.

Hear it is. See it is. Enjoy.


Open the hyperlink if you want to derive all of the references.
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Awesome. "Yellow Submarine" was the first movie I saw in a theater. Berlin, 1969. I loved it so much, I asked my parents to take me back to see it two more times in the same week. Last time I was in Berlin, I saw that the movie theater was still there. But they weren't showing "Yellow Submarine" that day. I was very happy to buy a copy of the movie on VHS a number of years ago. Then saddened when I played it and all of the Beatles' voices had been over dubbed due to some legal bs by Allen Klein. Since his death a few years ago, the movie was rereleased on DVD with the original voices. I need to buy a copy some time soon and spend an afternoon fighting Blue Meanies in Pepperland.
Ringo Starr's memories, such as they are:

Ringo Starr Finally Speaks Up About The Biggest Mystery In Beatles History

Ringo Starr's memories, such as they are:

Ringo Starr Finally Speaks Up About The Biggest Mystery In Beatles History

How does he stay so young looking? He looks like a slightly grizzled 55 year old.
Screenshot 2020-10-22 080426.jpg

What are some of the biggest hits from the Flab Four?

All You Need is Love Handles
Lucy in the Sky with Donuts
I Wanna Hold Your Ham
Norwegian Food
Tiramisu Never Knows
I'm So (Heavy)
Yellow Submarine Sandwich
Lady McDonalds
Eight Cakes a Week