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Staff member
Forum Policies

Welcome to Music Gourmets, an online community where members can meet and share music, food and friendship. Like any community, you will agree with some opinions here and differ with others. These forums are for all members, new and old, to use and enjoy. Above all, we insist that the privacy and security of our members be respected. Our forums are all loosely moderated and we strongly encourage the use of the "Member Ignore" feature to create a personalized experience to your liking.

By participating in this community, you agree to comply with the following policies:

1) Personal information of another member will NEVER be disclosed. This includes but is not limited to details like home address, workplace, financial information, etc. Do it and you will be gone.

2) Private Messages are private. Under no circumstances is it appropriate to post a private message that was sent to you in confidence. Do it and you will be gone.

3) Harassment of another member will not be tolerated. Every individual has personal standards for what they consider harassment and we ask that you respect their opinions, even if you don't agree. It is easy for intentions to be misunderstood and an individual has a responsibility to make it known to the offending member and/or a moderator when they are made to feel uncomfortable. As a caring community, we share a responsibility to speak up when we see something we think constitutes harassment, even when we aren't a party to it. Do it and you will be gone.

4) Posts which discuss or illustrate illegal activity, or provide links to sites that do so are strictly prohibited. Do it and you will be gone.

5) We strongly support free speech but we also recognize that most users will want to be able to browse the site without concern of running across any NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content. We also recognize that some users may not want to be exposed to it at all. For this reason, do not post content (text or images) that is obscene or otherwise objectionable to any reasonable person.

6) Discussion of religion and politics is prohibited at this time.

7) These forums are not to be used for commercial or advertising purposes, although posts describing "deals" available online in which the member posting has no direct financial interest are acceptable.

8) Linking directly to digital media or otherwise posting copyrighted content is strictly prohibited unless the copyright holder explicitly allows it. Link to the artist page instead. Even though an audio file may be offered for free, the copyright holder retains the exclusive right of distribution. In addition, while those providing free audio files are not seeking monetary remuneration, they probably want you to browse the page, add hits, notice ads, etc.

9) These forums are loosely moderated by volunteer members of the Music Gourmets community. Posts that violate these policies will be removed immediately. Members who violate policies #1 to 4 above will also be removed immediately.

10) These policies are subject to change without notice.

If you have any questions or concerns about these policies or this forum in general, please contact any administrator by private message immediately.

Have fun at Music Gourmets!
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